Back to School: Meals on the Go

Home & Family

Many parents feel that September is “the most wonderful time of the year.” It’s the month when kids head back to school and structured extracurricular activities commence. However, the transition from lazy summer days to busy weeks filled with jam packed schedules can be stressful. To help you tackle the lunch box battle, we’ve come up with some of our favourite grab-and-go meal and snack ideas.

Breakfast Basics. School-day mornings are hectic, which is why we love make-ahead breakfast recipes that can be eaten on the go. Opt for protein packed dishes that will keep you and your kiddos full until lunch. Our top picks include egg muffins, apple sandwiches and breakfast cookies. Or, in a pinch, a hardboiled egg and piece of fruit is a great option.

Multiply Delicious

Sure-Fire Snacks. Although breakfast is considered to be the most important meal of the day, many parents will attest to the fact that snacks play a significant role in their children’s lives. Healthy options that we like are ladybugs on a log (celery with cream cheese and dried cranberries or raisons), veggies and hummus, homemade goldfish crackers and roasted chick peas.

Super Healthy Kids

Lip-Smacking Lunches.Parents will have to pack almost 200 lunches per child over the course of the school year, which makes coming up with fresh ideas a little bit tricky. Healthy homemade “lunchables” are perfect during warmer months, while hearty soups served with savoury muffins will keep your kiddos nourished and full in the fall and winter. Check out for more tasty and nutritious school lunch ideas.

Tips and Tricks. After you’ve decided what to pack, you’ll need to figure out how to pack it. Order a vacuum insulated drink container and food jar from to keep your kiddo’s milk cold and soup warm. For an easy and inexpensive ice-pack using a kitchen sponge, check out Or, pop a frozen organic applesauce, yoghurt cup or smoothie in your child’s lunchbox.


-by Mhairri Woodhall