Events Around Town: April 2016

Lifestyle & Design

2016 Juno Week

There are events taking place across Calgary March 28th to April 3rd to celebrate the Juno Awards. The Juno Cup Jam is at Flames Central on March 31st, the Juno Cup is at Max Bell Arena is on April 1st and Junofest 2016 is on April 1st and 2nd . Visit the official website to find out more about the various concerts by Juno nominees in 15 venues across Calgary.

Juno Awards

Yoga Vino

What could get better than a combination of Yoga and Wine? Visit the Calgary Farmers’ Market to attend an one-hour yoga flow session and after indulge in a wine, cheese and charcuterie tasting. No previous yoga or wine experience necessary! The wine is provided by J.Webb and the cheese and charcuterie is from Peasant Cheese. Don’t miss this event it takes place on April 1st, and the cost is $50. Make sure to bring your own yoga mat.

Avenue Magazine

Body Worlds Vital

The exhibition Gunther von Hagen’s Body Worlds Vital is in Calgary from March 30th to May 31st. This event is a celebration of the human anatomy and exhibits real human bodies that have been donated to science. You can purchase tickets that include general admission to the Telus Spark Science Centre; Adults $24.95; Seniors $22.95; Youth $20.95; Children $17.95.

Spark Science